English School Cairo - Old Boys Old Girls

Welcome to the English School Cairo Old Boys and Old Girls Web Site. Please feel free to use this Web Site to get in touch with other alumni from around the world.
We are the Alumni of the English School In Cairo, Class of 87
by Abdalla El Said


I am a member of the largest English School alumni single year group still in regular contact vis phone email and physical meetings.

We are the class of 87.

with 35 to 40 members in every meeting and an average of 200 emails per month posted on our yahoo group email, I am not aware of any other active alumni group out there.

Today i was very happy to come across this site and deeply touched by the history and pictorial parts. Thankyou to the person who created and maintained this for us.

Accordingly, I have sent the URL to my friends and asked them to actively participate here.

I''ll be back soon


posted on Sunday, August 01, 2004
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