English School Cairo - Old Boys Old Girls

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Hany Genena
by Cadry Genena

I was recently introduced to this website by my daughter who brought to my attention the queries about Hany. I am sorry to advise you all that Hany passed away in November 2000. From God we came and to God we will return.
It is quite sad that we had not discovered the website at the time he was alive. I know that he would have enjoyed it so much and would have loved to correspond with you all. Even though I was seven years younger than Hany, he would tell me about his friends. I particularly remember the Gibsons, the Coyles, the McCartys, and Dick Moats. A couple of times I went dove hunting with them with our air rifles near the Gibson''s house in the desert.

posted on Saturday, February 07, 2004
See 76

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