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At Long Last
by Dick Moats

Jasper, I was thinking of you only the other
day. Everything is fine with me. I have had a
charmed life in that there are no problems past,
present, and I hope in the future. Sounds like
you are enjoying retired life in England. I am
fully retired myself. My wife is still working
and is at the moment in Welligton, New Zealand.
She joins me in Evans, Georgia, USA on 11 June.
Currently, I am in Sun City, Arizona visiting
with my Mother. She is frail and 87 years old.
Dad passed away in 1991. Update me about
yourself and your family. My e-mail address is
dicknazz70@hotmail.com I will be home on or
about 4 June to be in time to clean our house up
for Najiba's return. This role reversal is for
the birds but what can one do? Be sure and send
your addresses, and telephone numbers. Mine
are: 700 Fosters Court, Evans,GA 30809, USA
Tele #s are: (706) 364 5544 home and 706 829
6056 mobile. dick

posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2005
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