English School Cairo - Old Boys Old Girls

Welcome to the English School Cairo Old Boys and Old Girls Web Site. Please feel free to use this Web Site to get in touch with other alumni from around the world.
by Yasser El-Sheikh

I was surprised, amazed, and shocked ??!! when i

found this site by chance.. I'm graduted form

ESC 1989 and I'm working as an Engineer in Dubai-

UAE, I was shocked at the begining to see this

logo which i never saw before and which i'm not

used to .. but I really liked this worm feelings

prevailing throughout the site and declared in

the photos & the messages ... I'll keep

visiting.. and I'll forward the address to all

who I'm still in contact with .. hope this will

revive the cut relations with many old

friends ...

posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2005
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