English School Cairo - Old Boys Old Girls

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Who Can Attend the English School Reunion on Cape Cod
by Michael Topsakal

All ESC OBOGs, including their spouses and/or

guests, are welcome to attend. The reunion is

not restricted to OBOGs residing only in North

America, but is open to any ESC OBOG from

anywhere. If you wish to attend and haven't

already notified us, please let us know as soon

as possible and include the number & names of

those in your party so we can include them in

the guest list.

Please note that our room block in the host

hotel is limited. We therefore regret that non-

ESC persons not included on the guest list will

not qualify to make reservations under the

special ESC room rate. This measure is taken to

preserve the limited number of rooms exclusively

reserved for ESC OBOGs, spouses and guests.

posted on Monday, June 13, 2005
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