English School Cairo - Old Boys Old Girls

Welcome to the English School Cairo Old Boys and Old Girls Web Site. Please feel free to use this Web Site to get in touch with other alumni from around the world.
by Charles Cary-Elwes

I have just discovered this wonderful site. I was
in the school from 1949 to 1951 when I left aged
12 to go to an English prep school in Hampshire -
grotesque by compaison with ESC.

I remember Tossoun Roushdy, Patrick Hopper,
Farouk Mohsen, Henry Hall, Margaret Khorashy,
Patricia Devereux, Fanny Kyriakidis. I guess I
just missed out on the photo of the class of 1951
on the site.

I had a bunch of red hair (now gone alas) and
lived in Zamalek. Was never beaten by Mr beard!

Would love to re-establish contacts - even after
50 years. And to get in touch with the organisers
of the London reunions.

Do call.

posted on Wednesday, October 31, 2007
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